The Original Doctrine of Salvation
Why are there so many churches? You may ask. With so many denominations all declaring that they have THE TRUTH, someone has to be wrong. You're correct in your logic- someone is wrong. No wonder we live in such a confused culture. When even the religious play politics, your politicians become your saviors, and then we depend on man's solutions to better ourselves instead of God. Such is the plan of the enemy: to divide us from God and to get us to rely on ourselves. If you want answers that don't come from man, if you want religion that is not decided by committee, if you want change! Then we welcome you to come. Here we don't depend on our fallen fleshly nature to prop up ourselves. Instead, we admit we are fallen and embrace the struggle of
fighting our nature with the only Source of help that brings lasting
change- the TRUE infilling of the Spirit of God. That's right, The Holy
Ghost! Add to that the True Word of God and you have yourself a
baseline of truth to live by. Not men's added opinions to the Word, but
the Original Doctrine once delivered to the early Christians 2,000
years ago. That's what we also desire. To worship God in spirit
and in truth, John 4:24.
Pastor & Sister David